Why become a partner at We Study In
Six Empowering Forces
For partners, market development and customer acquisition, product development, upgrading and iteration of products that truly meet users' needs, service delivery, the development of management and operational capabilities of the organisation, and the achievement of operational goals such as the future expansion of the organisation, are the results of the coupling of a series of operational factors such as resources, market, services, management, technology and capital.
Joining We Study In will enable individual partners or institutional partners to upgrade and transform their existing resources integration, market development, customer service and operation management with artificial intelligence, thus accelerating and enhancing the process and effect of the coupling of the above operational factors.
Awareness of the Industry Situation
For partners, the ability to perceive the situation (BI) of the education sector directly determines whether they can make continuous and accurate responses and decisions on the following operational operations: market entrance point selection, target customer group identification, product development, market expansion, etc..
By joining We Study In, the partners can achieve effective, realistic, fast, quantitative and visual situational awareness.
Data Chain Networking of Operational Nodes
For partners, operational tasks or objectives are achieved through the collaboration of different nodes of the operational team.
The lack of a network of operational node data chains will directly lead to a lack of interoperability in market and service delivery.
The ability to build and integrate such a data chain network is not affordable for individual partners or institutional partners of ordinary size, which is backed by the high cost of big data integration ability and arithmetic power.
We Study In, as a strategic partner and "the WeLane Company" of "the WAIOS", can rely on the "the WAIoS" to enable the partners to network the above data chain.
We Study In offers partners six empowering forces to enable them to understand the real-time situation of the industry and network their operational nodes, mainly through this SaaS platform.
Specific functions include: (1) helping partners to complete service delivery to end-users; (2) managing the up and down of applications developed by partners in the platform products; (3) helping innovative partners to complete corresponding application innovation based on changes and trends in user needs; (4) providing a tool set to help partners improve their management and operation capabilities; (5) a complete and efficient incubation platform, integrating various applications and tools to help partners incubate new applications, or help partners start companies, etc.
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